
My mission is to honor and serve my Sovereign Father God as I move into the calling Holy Spirit has revealed to me. I've been blessed with musical talent to worship our Lord. And I've been given a forerunner annointing and authority to pray for nations. In this season, I am ministering to the nations of Ukraine and Russia as God leads. I am happy to share with you these wonderful victories for His Kingdom as they unfold.

Location: Plymouth, Massachusetts, United States

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Greetings from Eastern Ukraine

My ministry here in Eastern Ukraine has brought some surprises. I knew that Donetsk and the other Eastern regions were different politically. But I realize now being here several days that in some ways it is drastically different from the rest of Ukraine. But I am at peace knowing it is all part of God's plan.

I arrived in Donetsk city by train early on Monday morning greeted by Pastor Peter. He will be my host for the next week, taking me to orphanages church meetings, etc. Fortunately I was also met by Rhema, my translator. We visited three orphanages this week and it was awesome. I was privileged to preach the Gospel in a Christian orphanage and in a government-run orphanage. Praise God, about 45 children confessed Jesus as their Lord and Savior!! Another team from America arrived mid-week and we went with them to a 2nd 100-child government-run orphanage. A real blessing for the American team was that I had Russian Bibles with me. They were very well equipped with teaching supplies and small gifts. In fact they had a room full of stuff! I also purchased fresh fruit for the kids. The American leader, Tony said that the one thing he didn't have in his budget was money to buy Russian Bibles and he really wanted to give them to 15 kids graduating this month. So when he learned that I not only had Bibles, but I had a box in the trunk, he was excited. "Can I buy them from you?” he asked. No" I said, "I got them for free. You can have as many as you want." The woman across the table, Nancy began to cry. "God knows our needs!" "Amen." I said, "What a joy it is to serve Him!"

Now for a surprise or two: Early in the week I explained more to Pastor Peter and his wife, Natasha. I guess they really didn't understand what my friend Pastor Viktor told them about my mission. Basically, I said I want to preach in orphanages in Eastern Ukraine, especially near the Russian border. Pastor Peter began to explain how different things are in the Eastern regions. First of all, the government tells the orphanages who they can have preach in their orphanages and who can't. Who can, is the Russian Orthodox Church. Who can't is anybody else. It took me a while to get this. He went on to say that the Communist Party and the Mafia Party (Yes, these are real political parties seated in Ukrainian Parliament) have much power and influence here. Even though Ukraine has a Christian President, the regional or local government has more influence on what actually happens here. So the bottom line is that I would have to present to the government a program in advance outlining what I was going to teach and what entertainment, gifts, etc. I would provide. Then I could go in and visit children and do this program - as long as I did not mention the words, "God," "Bible," or "Jesus." Again, the only ones allowed to speak those words in a government-run orphanage here in Eastern Ukraine is the Russian Orthodox Church. There is a way around this however. Pastor Peter says you do a program as they ask, and then when you are done you can divide the children into smaller groups and then informally plant some good Christian seeds. But for me, this can not happen, because it takes at least a week to submit a program proposal and get approval. So this left me very disappointed at first, because I know God wants me to minister here. But I realize this is just a call for prayer - intense prayer, for this is a spiritual battle and God must pave the way first.

So I have begun to pray and I ask all of you to pray also. And I am already putting the word out for my next trip this fall where I will be recruiting both prayer warriors and those who love to teach children to join me for 1 or 2 weeks.

The large orphanage with over 300 kids in Amvrosiivka, that I really wanted to preach in, I will not be able to go there. But here's a good surprise: Tony and the American team have an approved program at this very same orphanage and will be there on Monday, May 19th and the will be brining some of my Bibles!! Is God Grand?!!!

I end with a great story of a church building that was dedicated today at an all day conference. Pastors and Christians from 3 or 4 regions were present to bless this building which was just purchases. We walked the outside of the building asking God to bless it. They say it used to be a nightclub full of drunks! But now it is a house of prayer and worship! It's a big building, too.
Praise God for this victory!!

Blessings from Donetsk,

His servant Al

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Please consider a gift. There is a current and urgent needs for funds as I minister in Eastern Ukraine to hundreds of needy orphans.

Click here to DONATE on line* https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_xclick&business=a%2escoglio%40verizon%2enet&item_name=Hearts%204%20Ukraine&no_shipping=0&no_note=1&tax=0&currency_code=USD&lc=US&bn=PP%2dDonationsBF&charset=UTF%2d8 or follow the instructions in "Ukraine Orphans Need Your Help" section to make a TAX-DEDUCTIBLE DONATION.

God bless you all!


Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Familiar Orphanage: New Souls for Christ

Hello all interested readers,
I am doing very well. I spent 4 nights in Zhitomir, 1 day in Kyiv and one day in Cherkassy so far. In Zhitomir I visited 2 orphanages yesterday. Pastor Viktor and his team prepared an awesome puppet show for the children which was very well received. In the larger orphanage of all girls in Novo Borova, most have some type of mental handicap. Seven girls repented and prayed for Jesus to come into their hearts. Praise God!
We gave out about 90 Russian New Testaments, and many pens, notebooks and bracelets; we also gave the girls in Novo Borova each new pair of socks.

Today, I have very good news. My translator Alex and I were very well received by the director of the orphanage here in Cherkassy. Her name is Bondar. She remembered me and also got my email that I sent (early 2007) after I returned home . She said she read it to the children. I was so happy. None of the same children that were there then are here now because this is a transitional orphanage. This means more opportunities for Salvation! Today about 8 older children confessed Jesus as Lord and asked Him to be Master of their lives - and 10 or 12 younger children also confessed Jesus as Lord. I also gave out some Bibles and promised a Bible (new Testament) for each staff person. The director thought they would like that. I will return for at least one more day and bring more Bibles. But please pray that the packages of Bibles (and teaching supplies) I ordered for this region will arrive. (I've been using Bibles left over from Zhitomir.)

This is a great start here in Cherkassy, but I still have not made contact with the big orphanage in Posilanovka about 50 km from here (the "big fish" from 18 months ago). Please pray that I can get in there and preach the Good News!!

Also pray for me when I go to Donetsk region. Eastern Ukraine is less open to Christian and Western European thinking in general. A lot of old Soviet beleifs still prevail there. But I know God can break through any barrier - social, political, economic, spiritual or otherwise. Pray for protection, revelation, breakthough, salvation and Kingdom Power!!

Thank you.
In Jesus Name,

Saturday, May 03, 2008

Spiritual Atmosphere

Hello dear friends,

May God bless you as you read this and reach out for His wisdom and provision in your own lives and those God leads you to.

I begin tonight with a big thank you from Ukraine. Thank you for your prayers and all who have donated to this mission for Ukraine orphans. But most of all to God, Our Father, I thank You for your provisions and blessing on my travels and your care and love for these orphans and these fine people of Ukraine.

At this date of May 2nd I find myself already having to veer from my itinerary. Because of this big Ukrainian holiday and celebrations over the next days, there was virtually no room for me in Kyiv, or the rooms were very very expensive, with prices jacked up just for the visitors to this capital city for this occasion. OK, but God is in control so I spend my time now in Zhitomir a few days earlier than expected. Yet, I will take a day trip tomorrow back to Kyiv to pray with Viktor and maybe Ed for the president, the government, this nation and people and this mission. But tonight there was Pastor Viktor’s home group and what a blessing of prayer and worship it was. God remembers me and the mission He sent me to, so I know there is no “wrong” place to be.
Arriving in Kyiv yesterday I felt immediate resistance. My feeling is that in the spiritual realm – as we know this is where the battle takes place – there are dark elements that do not want me here. The high prices for rooms is just one example. Another is a Ukrainian woman to whom I was talking to after we got off the plane in Kyiv was telling me how slow the line will be for customs and that the bags are always late. When I told her that I was here to minister to orphans in her country, she replied something like this: "You know, you should help people in your own country. There are people there with needs, right? Charity begins at home, you know."
And there was a 3rd example of negativity all within the first 5 hours of my arrival in Ukraine.
All this I have said because I want to alert you to the need for prayers in this regard as I begin my mission to bring the Gospel to the lost and poor of this nation. I am prepared to and determined to address this resistance with prayer and boldness in the Spirit as I have great faith that God will cut off this resistance at the knees. I pray in Jesus’ Name!

I thank you for your prayers and your praying now and over the next 3 weeks. I am at home here in Ukraine because for me this is the Kingdom of Heaven assignment I have been given and accept as…

His servant,